No, not kidding at all.. Cream of Vegetable soup can be really prepared in 3 simple and easy steps.. Preparation time : 20 minutes ...
For those who love the taste that arises from a combination of capsicum and paneer, (as in paneer tikka), this pulao will definitely ...
Here is a really easy recipe for making a gravy with channa and potatoes, a great side dish for Rotis and Puris. Preparation time : 20 ...
A healthy preparation, ideal for breakfast, and easy to make. Preparation time: 20 minutes Serves 2 Ingredients: 1/2...
A healthy and yet yummy preparation. Used as an excellent side dish for roti. Preparation time: 30 minutes Serves 4...
Making fresh paneer at home is a great idea ! Boil 2 lts of milk in a thick bottomed pan, for around 15 to 20 minutes. Dilute the juice ...
Here is one more paratha, dedicated to onion lovers. Preparation time:30 minutes Ingredients: Wheat flour 2 cups Red chilly powder A...